Add mod and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. We suggest you try the mod list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Weapons will More to come What is this mod? What can I expect from this mod? No mods were found matching the criteria specified. Inspired by Path of Exile Labyrinth enchantment skill modifier on helm and Altar of Corruption high risk - high reward this mod allows you to craft This mod adds 6 classes and several legendary items from Diablo 3 to Grim Dawn some skills and items require Ashes of Malmouth expansion to work properly Slowly increase power by rewarding the player the more they dismantle Legendary GD Stash is an external tool to store items from the Grim Dawn shared stash in GD Stash's database or retrieve them and place them in the shared stash Add new Models and textures for weapons. Characters from these mods cannot be transferred This modification is a global conversion of the Grim Dawn game to the Warhammer 40, universe. Adds additional masteries from other mods. Support for Grim Dawn base game without expansions is included. Classic action role-playing from the lead gameplay designer of Titan Quest! Grim Dawn features satisfying combat, strategic character development, frenzied loot collection and quests with choice and consequence.