Leading the fight against them are the Grey Wardens an ancient order of mysterious badasses founded to Do What Needs To Be Done. Since then, the darkspawn have periodically launched apocalyptic invasions of the surface world, the Blights. The Maker then washed his hands of reality and disappeared. They failed and were cursed for their hubris, becoming the first of the darkspawn twisted monsters banished deep underground. On the continent of Thedas, a cabal of powerful mages united to storm the Golden City of the Maker that shone within the spirit realm. All the various species lived together with difficulty in harmony, and everyone was happy. On top of this there is there exists in my world a being with the blood of a king and a soul of a god.I'm sure Bioware wouldn't pass on the chance to use that.In the beginning, the Maker created the world.
Adding to this I emancipated the Circle Tower so there should no longer be Templar's there, leaving the Desire demon the perfect opportunity to fully embody Connor and wreak havoc on the now defenseless magi. In the epilogue it is said that Connor was sent to the Circle Tower to learn magic properly. Lady Redcliffe dided, leaving the Arl without a wife. Possessed Connor with Desire demon - Arl's Wife died in blood ritual - Killed Jowan - Cleared the path for the pilgrims to get to Andraste's Ashes - Sided with the Werewolves Killed elves - Destroyed the Anvil of the Void - Made Harrowmont king - Opened Chantry in Orzammar - Alistair killed Loghain - Made Alistair king Anora locked in keep - Flemeth alive Never did Morrigan companion quest - Alistair knocked up Morrigan with an Elder God soul - Emancipated Mage's from Chantry/Templar control Of these decisions I think the most devastating effect I had on the world was the possession of Connor.